My Story

Born in 1990, I was raised by a single Queen for the first 8 years until she found her King. Early on, we had to rely on welfare to survive small town Ohio. Our passionate love for Life always outweighed the poor circumstances. We had no vehicle at times and we walked everywhere we went together. I never complained about what kind of food was on the table, I was just happy there was food on the table & love in my heart.

As a redhead w/ freckles, I was bullied often in school and I suppressed a lot of anger. This caused health issues in my early 20’s as it coupled with the repressed anger from my toddler years in a separated household.

These childhood traumas lead to repeated relationship drama and ultimately a divorce. During a Bodytalk session, I unraveled deep trauma from when I was in the womb. These traumas have been integral in allowing me to understand others & assist in their healing journey.

Childhood & Adolescence trauma paired with poor lifestyle choices caused 15 severe chest pains per day in my early 20s (It felt like a knife piercing my chest).

I was eating processed foods, heavily drinking alcohol, heavily smoking weed, and playing video games way too much. I experienced the most traumatic experience of my life, and shortly after that I broke up with my high school sweetheart which lead to the biggest failure of my life.

I turned to Mother Earth for healing with a whole foods plant-based diet and those 15 chest pains per day dropped to 7-8 chest pains per day in a matter of 2 weeks. After 3 months on this diet (while still drinking heavily on the weekends), I was down to 1-2 chest pains per day. Several years later, I was chest pain free.

This led to my obsession with farming and energy healing. I also became entranced with nutrition, meditation, the healing power of earthing/grounding, fasting, breathing my biome, micro-dosing psychedelics, prayer, muscle testing, plant medicines, coffee enemas, nutrition response testing, breathwork, EFT/tapping, acupuncture, crystals, tarot, and A LOT more energy work & alternative medicine (including Reiki healer, Light-Life Technology, Egyptain Sekhem Energy Healing, Universal Rays Healing, Psych-K, light language, tuning forks, the Healing Code, the Energy Codes, sacred geometry, Bodytalk, self-hypnosis, sound healing, and more.)

This rite of passage shepherded my new identity in 2021 as Regenerative Ryan. I sent shockwaves through Chicago with a 15-minute Toastmasters speech, Eating USDA Organic is NOT Enough and a 10-minute presentation It’s NOT the COW, it’s the HOW

I joined the Farmer’s Footprint online community where I met my fellow light warriors from a past life: Cari, John, Derrick, and Tom. For the last 3 years, we have been meeting every week for at least 2 hours, holding each other accountable on how we can speed up the evolution of ourselves & humanity. This resulted in the formation of One Living System.

All of our relations and I are overflowing with gratitude for our second successful event in VA. “Cocreating Loudon County, Regenerating Our Future” and “Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Perspectives”

All of our human-centric systems are falling apart (medical, food, logistics, government, etc) & we need an eco-centric foundation to build new systems upon. My mentor & friend Cari Taylor has provided just that w/ her new book: One Living System: "An Exploration of Life's Sacred Language And Our Collective Journey."

OLS is the foundations, philosophy, and ethics of life that reveal an inspiring alternative way to live based on natural laws that our founding fathers learned from indigenous people. It is a deep exploration into our sacred self and our connection to the sacred in all of life. We are building an unbiased culture based on the union of science and sacred. We must return to our roots in order to regenerate, from soil to solar to soul.

In the great voyage of human life, the One Living System philosophy is simultaneously the anchor and the sail, the boat and the sailor, the heart and the soul. Deep during the depths of the dark night of my soil, a spark was lit that illuminated a new path to living forward. FINALLY…an inspiring alternative to living in the matrix & working for the man.

OLS was the foundation that gave me the strength to file for divorce from my ex-wife, my job, and the myriad of human-centric identities.

As I returned to my original instructions as a co-creator among the living systems of Life, I have never felt more alive.

The challenges seem to grow in aptitude and multitude, but when the waves feel overwhelming, a soft whisper from my soul keeps me sailing on the wave of co-creation.

During the moments that are most auspicious or suspicious, I find myself asking: is this what is best for all of Life? And sometimes I don't get the answer right away.. or I miss a few whispers from Mother Earth. But at the end of the day, with that deep intention of co-creation, I end up right in line with what the rest of Life would say:

What are we going to co-create today?

Now is the time to extend our neural mycelial network to as many light beings as possible for a collective cocreation in concert with the sacred living systems.

After exploring the far reaches of the universe, I have reached the holy grail of energy work w/ BioGeometry Energy Sciences. Dr. Ibrahim Karim has been fine-tuning the sacred science of BioGeometry for over 50 years and is now offering online classes via Dr. Gilbert at the Vesica Institute.

Ibrahim beautifully summarizes BioGeometry: Nature’s Own Design Language.

The Golden Age is here and we are all witnesses.

I am continuously training in geomancy / energy healing and I will continue traveling the globe to balance energies for regenerative farmers/consumers in 2025 & beyond.

I pair this knowledge with my extensive experience in regenerative farming to consult farmers on how to a take a holistic approach to everything they do on the farm.

I just completed an 8 day holistic land management course with the Savory Institute that truly deepened my repertoire. This life-changing experience with Daniel Griffith stacked on top of my previous 3 years of volunteer work on regenerative farms has afforded me extensive knowledge.

I am offering subtle energy-balancing on a donation basis right now for farms, homes, humans, animals, plants, and more.

If you don’t have much money, I am open to an exchange of services. Even a long heartfelt conversation and a hug will do! :-)

During Dr. Zach Bush's program, "The Journey of Intrinsic Health” I developed my soul purpose: "I am an invulnerable, eternal soul here to let go of all my human-centric identities & share love and light with all of Life"

What's your soul purpose? The 70 trillion cells in your body are eager to hear your answer ;-)