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Thank you for being a spark that everyone needed. :)
— Tori Immel, Farmer's Footprint

LinkedIn Article I wrote on March 8, 2024 detailing our non-profit teams at Agricair & One Living System - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/one-living-system-ushers-regenerative-culture-natural-ryan-bartlett-vjgtc/?trackingId=VouJWLe4SRCCi4m30kjOhw%3D%3D

One Living System ushers in a Regenerative Culture with Natural Law

I AM Nature. I AM Sacred. I AM Love. I AM a Miracle. And so are you ;-) 

I've been a thought leader in the regenerative farming industry for the past 4 years. Most of my work has been public speaking, writing, singing, poetry, community engagement, gardening, leadership, and many other volunteering adventures. 

The recurring theme that comes up in the regenerative community is a lot of folks are doing amazing things externally, but they are not doing the REAL work... internally. 

For example, I have witnessed amazing organizations that are regenerating millions of acres of land, but they believe composting the food scraps at the office is not important enough in comparison.

Some companies might be great partners for their highest-producing customers, but they don't give the same respect to their other customers. I have made similar mistakes in the past and I proactively forgive myself for making mistakes in the future. And I forgive you too :-)

The only difference is I have a nonprofit team at One Living System that is holding me accountable to improve each day on how I can consider all of Life in all of my actions moving forward. We have met every Thursday for at least 2 hours for 2.5 years straight and the team continues to grow exponentially each day.

We are a grassroots movement that is fed up with the status quo. The time is now, and we are taking bold action to regenerate our future.

What is your inspiring alternative to living forward in unison with Mother Earth and all of Life?

The beautiful part about this time in history is all of the human-centric systems are finally collapsing for good. This is a perfect opportunity to create the eco-centric systems that will carry us foward into the New Earth. 

With the eternity of time-tested ethics of Natural Law, we can ignite our rememberance that WE ARE NATURE.

We are not rockstars, we are not rich, we are not famous... we are regular people, just like you. But you are a miracle, and we know there is unlimited potential within you.

The Living System philosophy revealed within Cari Taylor's book, One Living System, invites us to take the paradigm shift within, revealing ways in which we can activate our Sacred Self into the places we each belong, to re-engage with Mother Earth and embrace all aspects of conscious living.

The way we treat the cashier at the convenience store is just as important as the way we treat our boss who pays us our check. 

The way we treat our soil is just as important as the way we treat our soul.

The way we talk about death is just as important as the way we talk about Life. Death is not the end... death always leads to rebirth.

The reciprocity & presence we give to our spouse is just as important as the reciprocity & presence we give to the janitor.

The way we perceive Time is just as important as the way we perceive Space. Remember, we are timeless souls and we need adequate space to remember we are connected to the whole.

The reason we are in the predicament we are in right now is because we haven't truly considered the whole in all of our actions. 

No amount of self-help books are ever going to help because we haven't made the full committment to all of Life in order to move forward with a Regenerative Culture backed by Natural Law.

There is not one person on Earth that is "self-actualized." That would assume that all of our Self is actualized which includes all of Life: all the people, the plants, the animals, the planets, the stars, the nematodes, the microbes, the trees, the birds and the bees.

The Living System philosophy is what all of non-human sentenience already thrives by, and what many intentional & indigenous communities thrive by...but now we are bringing it to the depths of every city across the globe. 

When the cashier & the bus driver returns to their Sacred Self, a ripple effect disperses all across the city. 

I am challenging you in this critical moment in history: are you ready to return to your original instructions?

There is an original sacred geometry of your soul that is calling for you to recalibrate and the only way there is in community.

Together, we can cocreate the eco-centric systems that will expedite Heaven on Earth. 

Together, we can heal. Together, we can thrive.

How long are you going to wait to step into your full potential as one with all of Life?

Cari just finished the audiobook for her groundbreaking work: "One Living System: An Exploration of Life's Sacred Language and Our Collective Journey." 

Learn more at www.onelivingsystem.org

Sign up for the waitlist to join us in our next book club study group sessions as we hold each other accountable on how we can deepen our committment to ourselves & all of Life.

Recognising the elders past, present and emerging of the Lakota & Dakota people whose unceded territory I live, love and play on. In respect of the land of Minnesota, it always was & always will be First Nations land. 

We acknowledge diversity and equity in justice for the LGBTIQ+ community. Some are providing men's work, some are providing women's work, we are providing Life's work in dedication to all of Life.


We are blessed to report a resounding success in Leesburg, VA as we united to

***Amplify Indigenous Womens Voices***

April 12 - 13, 2024

Co-Creating Loudoun County - Regenerating our Future for Healthy Soil and Water

Starring: Dr. Lyla June, Rene’ Locklear White, and Vicky Ferguson!!!

We “Co-Creators” with Loudoun County as an example of our “Living System” of life, present an afternoon to increase our awareness of agricultural resources and its wonderful ecosystem for how we live amongst our living system as Loudoun County. We are going to present to you what specifically our region can do to be its greatest regenerative self as a part of our living system - relevant to us - replicated amongst the whole.

Dr. Lyla June and Regenerative Ryan will be rapping their hearts out for Mother Earth on April 12 at 8p, then a panel discussion on April 13 at 10a-3p. We will have delicious local food, drumming, dancing, networking, artwork, vendors, laughing, learning, loving, and living it up!

Event Page: https://www.agricair.org/co-creating-2024

Brought to you by our nonprofit teams at One Living System & Agricair

Learn more about the One Living System book, audiobook, study groups, education, podcasts at www.onelivingsystem.org

I am co-hosting this healing arts & music festival with our soul sister Katie Baughman.

Join us as we redefine personal growth and wellbeing, creating a safe space that is not only enlightening but fun as fuck

Did you know that eating USDA organic is NOT enough?

Did you know that the organic pesticide, Rotenone, was used on USDA organic certified food all the way up until 2019 until it was banned because it repeatedly showed it caused Parkinson’s Disease (the UK banned Rotenone in 2009)? Nowadays, BT is used in organic farming which has been shown to be harmful to humans at the large doses organic industrial farms are using it

Did you know that a conventional carrot & a USDA organic carrot has 200x less polyphenols than a carrot grown on a regenerative farm?

Did you know that 100% grassfed beef label has a loophole that allows the farmer to feed the cow toxic DDG (dried distillers grains) thus causing an imbalance in the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio in the meat & inflammation in your body?

Has anybody ever been able to prove to you with a quantitative measurement the power of prayer using sacred geometry?

Did you know that you most likely have detrimental Hartmann and Curry lines that are disturbing your sleep every night (and that I can transmute them into beneficial energies with sacred geometry)?

Did you know that I can transmute your local cell tower’s non-native EMF’s & send beneficial energy from the tower instead (using sacred geometry)?

Did you know that community and connection is more important than everything I just said?

It's all true, and I have scientific data to back it up, but don’t just take my word for it. Buy a ticket and FEEL the truth in the depths of your soul on May 24-26th in Excelsior, MN 55331 at Campfire.

With activities such as yoga, breathwork, guided meditation, sound healing, kayaking, saunas, cold plunge contest, obstacle courses, rock climbing, there are interactive workshops for all experience levels.

Relax in nature while listening to our live DJ’s and performance artists, or enjoy the day exploring our extensive vendor & service selection.

I am offering 3 workshops by donation: Sacred Geometry Energy Healing, Ultimate Consumer Guide to Regenerative Food, and Sacred Vinyasa Flow. I’ll also be sprinkling in some spoken word and conscious raps throughout the weekend.

Please reach out for more info if it feels aligned & we can explore how you can help us co-create Heaven on Earth. ✨✨✨

We look forward to seeing some of you there! And remember, YOU ARE THE MEDICINE!





More info at www.medicinemoon.net

In Health and Gratitude to God,
Ryan Bartlett

Co-Creating Loudoun County, Regenerating Our Future

We are blessed for the success of this event where we we’re able to showcase 3 black regenerative farmers while world-renowned speaker Dr. Edwin Nichols educated us on diversity & unity. So many more incredible speakers presented and ultimately joined forces to continue the amazing work in rural Virginia. The grassroots regenerative revolution is just beginning, and we are immensely grateful to give a voice to life’s sacred Living System. (JAN. 21, 2023)


My Story

Sparking Synergy for Soil & Soul

I am an invulnerable, eternal soul here to let go of my ego-centric identities & share love & light with all of Life

Childhood & Adolescence trauma paired with poor lifestyle choices caused 15 severe chest pains per day in my early 20s (It felt like a knife piercing through my chest).

In 2014, I turned to Mother Earth for healing and began a whole foods plant-based diet. This led to an obsession with farming and energy healing.

In 2021, Regenerative Ryan was born. I sent shockwaves through Chicago with a 15-minute Toastmasters speech, “Eating USDA Organic is NOT Enough and a 10-minute presentation It’s NOT the COW, it’s the HOW

All of our relations and I are overjoyed about the success of our first two community events in 2023 & 2024: “Cocreating Loudon County, Regenerating Our Future” and “Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Prospectives”

All of our human-centric systems are falling apart (medical, food, logistics, government, etc) & we need an eco-centric foundation to build new systems upon. My mentor & friend Cari Taylor has provided just that w/ her new book: One Living System: "An Exploration of Life's Sacred Language And Our Collective Journey." This was one of the crucial catalysts that catapulted me through rapid evolution in the past 3 years. These teachings I hold near and dear to my heart as I continue my sacred journey. Visit her website to learn more at: Cari Taylor's Website

In the great voyage of human life, the One Living System philosophy is simultaneously the anchor and the sail, the boat and the sailor, the heart and the soul. Deep during the depths of the dark night of my soul, a spark was lit that illuminated a new path to living forward. FINALLY…an inspiring alternative to living in the matrix & working for the man.

OLS was the foundation that gave me the strength to file for divorce from my ex-wife, my job, and the myriad of my human-centric identities.

As I returned to my original instructions as a co-creator among the living systems of Life, I have never felt more alive.

The challenges seem to grow in aptitude and multitude, but when the waves feel overwhelming, a soft whisper from my soul keeps me sailing on the wave of co-creation.

During the moments that are most auspicious or suspicious, I find myself asking: is this what is best for all of Life? And sometimes I don't get the answer right away... or I miss a few whispers from Mother Earth. But at the end of the day, with that deep intention of co-creation, I end up right in line with what the rest of Life would say:

What are we going to co-create today?

Now is the time to extend our neural mycelial network to as many light beings as possible for a collective return to the sacred living systems.

After exploring the far reaches of the universe, I have reached the holy grail of energy work: BioGeometry Energy Sciences.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim has been fine-tuning this sacred science for 50+ years and is now offering online classes through Dr. Gilbert at the Vesica Institute.

Ibrahim beautifully summarizes BioGeometry: Nature’s Own Design Language.

The Golden Age is here and we are all witnesses.

I have been training my sacred geometry skills the last few years and I will continue traveling the globe to balance energies for regenerative farmers/consumers in 2025 & beyond.

I pair this knowledge with my extensive experience in regenerative farming to consult farmers on how to a take a holistic approach to everything they do on the farm.

I just completed an 8 day holistic land management course with the Savory Institute that truly deepened my repertoire. This life-changing experience with Daniel Griffith stacked on top of my previous 3 years of volunteer work on regenerative farms gives me extensive knowledge.

To remain integregious to the Living System economy, I am offering subtle energy-balancing on a 100% donation basis for farms, homes, humans, animals, plants, and more. Please honour your current financial circumstances in giving - as an energetic exchange of all life has given you - and if fortuitous enough pay forward for another.

If you don’t have the money, I am open to an exchange of services. Even a long heartfelt conversation and a hug will do!

During Dr. Zach Bush's program, "The Journey of Intrinsic Health," I developed my soul purpose: "I am an invulnerable, eternal soul here to let go of all my egoic identities & share love & light with all of Life."

What's your soul purpose? The water in your 70 trillion cells are eager to hear your answer ;-)

P.S. This is a condensed version, here is the link to my full story


  • "I wanna be like you when I grow up"

    Erick Godsey, Coach at Fit For Service

  • That was AMAZING! Huge huge huge gratitude to you for sharing yourself with this group... I'm in awe of all the depth of beauty that just unfolded in that conversation. Thank you for being a spark that everyone needed. :)

    Tori Immel, Director of Partnerships at Farmer’s Footprint

  • I just love the message. It’s a bold message and important to share especially now when we are so divided in our opinions. It’s powerful to share your truth even if it shocks people. This caught my attention and shook me and I loved it.

    Toastmasters International Member

  • I'm noticing that historically I would have collapsed into despair, but these last few days I'm able to hold my center and keep my voice strong, not giving in to the forceful energies that have come into my field. 🌟 I just want to celebrate me! It's a big deal. 😆Here's to holding my own with sacred geometry!


  • Honestly I've been sleeping much better ever since you put the sacred geometry in here months ago. I don't wake up as frequently

    Tina G.

  • Our last doctor visit they said my son's liver was not functioning at full capacity and your analysis showed the same thing. He used to sleep in the corner of his crib and now I know why because he was trying to avoid the detrimental earth grid line that you located. Since you transmuted it into a beneficial energy, now he has been sleeping a lot better :-)
